從深井小學工程期間圖片中, 可以看到鴻運建築實際地投入了大量資源進行環境保護(Environmental Protection), 工業安全(Occupational Safety), 和地盤保安(Site Security) , 鴻運建築有限公司在2008及2009年分別獲得香港發展局和建築署頒發環保承建商銀獎 (Green Contractor Silver Award), 公德地盤嘉許計劃2008 (Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme 2008), 及環境保護和管理優秀表現獎 (Outstanding Environmental Management & Performance Bronze Award).
During the construction of Sham Tseng primary school project, you can through the picture to know Hung Wan Construction Co., Ltd. actually put a lot of resources for environmental protection, industrial safety, and construction site security. Hung Wan Construction Co., Ltd. in 2008 and 2009, respectively, to obtain the Hong Kong development Council and the architectural Services Department awarded the Green contractor Silver Award, Considerate Contractors Site Award Scheme 2008 and Outstanding Environmental Management & Performance Bronze Award.